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AED Authority Australia

AED Authority Australia is a worldwide leader in automated external defibrillator (AED) sales and management programs.

Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness by AED Authority.

According to some reports more than 350,000 deaths occur each year from Sudden Cardiac arrest and losing your loved ones is not a good thing. To decrease the deaths is important to understand what Sudden Cardiac Arrest is, what are the warning signs, and how to respond to an SCA event.


What is Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA)?


Sudden Cardiac Arrest is an electrical problem, sometimes people often use the term Heart Attack interchangeably with SCA but these both are different things. SCA happens when there is an electrical malfunction sending the heart into the state of fibrillation. Usually the heart uses electrical impulses that regulate rhythm and cause the heart to beat. SCA occurs suddenly and oftentimes without warning. When heart-pumping action is disrupted, the heart cannot pump blood to the brains, lungs, and other organs of the body. So due to this situation, a person loses consciousness and has no pulse. it is so sudden that death occurs within a minute if the person doesn't get instant treatment. If we differentiate heart attract with SCA so Heart Attack is a Circulation problem whether SCA is an electrical problem.



What are the main warning signs of SCA?


The common warning signs before happening SCA are:

A sudden increase in Heart rate.

Family history of heart diseases or abnormalities.

Chest pain or excessive shortness of breath during exercise.

Repeated unexplained Fainting.


How To Respond To A SCA Event?


A person can be cured if he/she will get the proper treatment within a few minutes. First call an ambulance for emergency medical services. Then if one is possible use an automated external defibrillator (AED) Or CPR and continue until the medical emergency services arrive. The only proven clinical way to restart the heart is with a defibrillator.



AED Authority offers the range of defibrillators and our ambulance services do fantastic jobs but it's always not assured that an ambulance will arrive on time but having a defibrillator close by is the only way you can be ready to save a life.


The AED Authority is here to give the right tools through which you can save your life and others' lives too.

Source: http://aedauthority.com.au